
Pricing for services can vary greatly depending sometimes on how the garment is originally constructed and the degree of alterations needed. A few basic prices would be on average:

Pants Hems


Pants Zipper


Coat Zippers

$42.00 to $55.00 depending on zipper

Pants Take-in Waist

$20.00 and up 

Skirt/Dress Hems 

$20.00 and up

Jacket - Shorten Sleeves 

$30.00 to $35.00

Curtains - Hemming

$3.20 per foot for unlined or $5.00 per foot for lined

(measured across the bottom) 

*** Please note: The price listed is an average. Prices can vary greatly and will be given on viewing of article. ***

Victoria Jackman BComH | © 2020
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